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Mar 13, 2016
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Some guy

Staff Member

https://i.imgur.com/y2uTTM1.png Amoria PQ in development Jan 28, 2023

    1. Haophanzzz
      Hey Alex, I really need your help to find my password back ! Thank you !
      IGN : Haophanzzz

      Best Regards,
    2. Willson Zhang
      Willson Zhang
      Hey alex, I finished a quest called "Notice from the Excavation team", and it wont let me finish the quest. I alredy trying ccing and restarting the client without any help :[

      Thank you!! IGN: RectalExam
    3. The Account
      The Account
      Hi Alex, I accidentally accepted a quest in showa town that took 5 mil from me, is there anyway I can possibly get it back and cancel the quest? Thank you so much for your time.
      1. The Account
        The Account
        IGN: TheAccount
        May 5, 2020
        Eloy likes this.
    4. bueypaai
      hello Alex can you please help me in resetting my account password? i’ve pm’ed you, thank you!
    5. LGDY
      Dear Alex,

      My IGN is LGDY and i was farming normally with my wife and was banned out of nowhere for no apparent reason.

      Appreciate your kind assistance.

      Best Regards,
      1. alex
        May 2, 2020
    6. jerfoo
      1. alex
        May 2, 2020
    7. theweeliem
      Hi GM, this morning i did reload Nx but i key in wrong ID for the first time. Can pm me? then i can provide u more detail regarding the donation detail and bank transaction detail
    8. PCdeath
      So I didn't know that this server healed beyond zerk for Aura of the Beholder.
      My issue is I put 1 SP into it and have every other skill maxed and can't move the SP out of it, wrecking my dps. I already have MW 20 so the only option left is for me to get MW 30.
      I realize removing a SP point does not fall under your classic support, but I was hoping there could be an exception? Thank you for your time
      IGN: ZeroCool
    9. YTL
      Hello GM, It's been 3 days since i have not gotten the maplepoints after voting, it just kept telling me that i need to vote again after X number of hours, but i have been trying for so many days but to no avail..Appreciate if you could assist on this matter. Thank you!
      1. alex
        Do you share your internet connection with other players?
        Apr 30, 2020
      2. YTL
        Hi Alex, yes i do
        Apr 30, 2020
      3. alex
        gtop100 only lets you vote once per IP address. so you need to find another internet connection to vote on (maybe using your phone's data connection)
        Apr 30, 2020
    10. dawnoflight
      hey I need help getting into my account, I havnt played in probably a year and I cant remember my password, but theres no password reset set up on the website right now
    11. linking123
      hi is it possible to send a gm app?
    12. Renato
      Hello GMAlex
      what do i need to get mw30 ?
      They told me that changing could leave me a link or what I need to
      get mw30
      1. alex
    13. Seule
      ALEX #1
      1. alex likes this.
    14. dcphrluv
      Dear Alex,

      I completed the quest "Eliminate the Tauromacis" at roughly 96% exp at level 70, however, I only received the melting cheese reward from the quest and my EXP bar was reset to 2.26% at level 70 still. Prior to that I did the quest Critical Danger I and I was not able to receive any notification of receiving the EXP on my chat bar as well.

      Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
      1. dcphrluv
        Is there any updates on the bug?
        Apr 25, 2020
    15. Brenton
      Alex are u online ? is donation server down ?
      1. alex
        No, it's working.
        Apr 24, 2020
    16. Diego Sanchez
      Diego Sanchez
      Hi Alex, I need help, I have been advancing with the Amos Quets, but it gave me a Quest Bug which is A Banqued for the Whalians, the Aquarium NPC Kenta does not have it enabled and I can no longer advance with the Quets. Could you review it and help me please
    17. RADWIMPS
      Hey alex, Ivory told me that I was banned for something else other than trade spam bug.. Which reason was that? I'm confused because I haven't even gotten replies in my appeal
    18. landofkmw
      hi i got banned again... HAAHAHAHA why!?!?!
      1. alex
        Unequip your equipment and re-equip it. You've been unbanned.
        Apr 23, 2020
    19. stevenpeng10
      hi alex.i got a serious problem about my perfect blaster. i believe u and i are pretty sure that my blaster is +5. cuz i said i still have 3 slots to be done to corrupt. and i can unlock my wa 117 blaster right? but i accidentally saw that my perfect blaster turned out to be +2 ??? what ? plz help me if u're available ty Alex
    20. Shirley
      Heya Alex, My account pw is not working anymore, I may have forgot what I made it. Can you please help me out? Thanks
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