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Resolved Unable to attack enemies/enemies not attacking

Discussão em 'Resolved' iniciado por IceKnight, Agosto 23, 2016.

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  1. IceKnight

    IceKnight Training Mapler

    Agosto 17, 2016
    Aprovações Recebidas:
    I was hunting Hime's (Dreaming Ghosts) earlier and suddenly, despite attacking (with both Heal and Shining Ray), it'd not register them being hit. I was attacked as normal, but I couldn't hit them (despite hitting them just moments ago).

    The bug disappeared once I moved a little (it wasn't lag, as I was constantly attacked and healed myself).
    This has happened 3 times in a row now. It seems to happen around when I level up.

    The other bug is that when I attack Hime's, they keep floating back and forth until they die. They do nothing to try and attack me. This only happened once. And no, it wasn't a different Hime - it was a freshly spawned once that I kept attacking until it died, with it never attempting to counterattack.
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  3. nagazai

    nagazai Training Mapler

    Junho 25, 2016
    Aprovações Recebidas:
    first, if you dont move and keep healing/attacking for too long, it will "lose" effect, it will stop attacking. it happens to ALL classes and ALL attacks if you stay still for too long. for example, if u kill anego and stay still for over 1min just attacking it will sudenly stop attacking. since u cant stop healing, because the effect will still show, it will stop doing damage.

    for the second problem, u are just not dealing damage enough to knock back it

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