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A problem with my store

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by lBloods, Apr 21, 2020.

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  1. lBloods

    lBloods Apocalypse Now

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Hello my name is lBloods - LBLOODS

    Hello GM, I would like to consult my annoyance, today I went to the free market to remove my store and well when I took out my things I realized that I cannot remove my things, it says that my store is still open which is totally false D:
    I am very worried, I have been playing with effort for weeks to be a better user of maplesaga.
    Hopefully they can fix my problem.
    Thank you.

    Hola GM,Quisiera consultar mi molestia,hoy fui al free market a quitar mi tienda y bueno al momento de sacar mis cosas me e percatado que no puedo retirar mis cosas,dice que mi tienda aun sigue abierta lo cual es totalmente falso D:
    Estoy muy preocupado llevo semanas jugando con mucho esfuerzo para ser un mejor usuario de maplesaga.
    Ojala puedan arreglar mi problema.


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