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Voting & Troubleshooting Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by NebCJ, Feb 15, 2021.

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  1. NebCJ

    NebCJ Advanced Mapler

    Feb 12, 2017
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    You can vote daily for the MapleSaga server here to receive 100NX and one of the below:
    • 5 Gachapon Tickets (Prime) : like a Regular Gachapon Ticket, but with boosted chances of getting Mounts, Chaos Scrolls and White Scrolls!
    • Exclusive Dungeon Pass (Regular) : Gain access to an exclusive dungeon which spawns a mob of your choice for 10 minutes! Useful for farming!
    Getting Chaos Scrolls, White Scrolls, or other valuable items through the Gachapon tickets is a quick and easy ways to earn some mesos so remember to vote everyday!

    How To Vote

    You can still vote while logged in!

    1) Go onto the MapleSaga website and click "EARN NX" (or simply type in http://maplesaga.com/vote)


    2) You will then have 4 options to pick from. Click the first option, "Vote"

    3) Enter in your account ID and choose between Gachapon Ticket (Prime) and Exclusive Dungeon Pass (REG). Once you've chosen an option, click "Submit"

    4) You will then be redirected to the Gtop100 website.

    5) Click the verify button and complete the activity.
    vote5.jpg vote6.jpg

    6) Once completed, click the red "Vote For MapleSaga" button and you've successfully voted!

    7) You'll get a note, telling you that you've received 100 NX and a vote prize!
    (If you're logged-in while voting, please remember to relog or change channels to receive your reward!)


    8) Check the Cash Shop for your Gachapon Ticket (Prime) or Exclusive Dungeon Pass (REG) vote prize!

    8a) You may use the Gachapon Ticket (Prime) at the Gachapon machine located at the Free Market entrance!

    8b) You may use the Exclusive Dungeon Pass (REG) through the NPC "Faito" located at the right portal of the Free Market, Saga Square Room 8!

    Different Ways To Vote:

    If you are having trouble voting and can't fix them, or if you're playing with friends or family who share the same wifi/network with you and can't vote after the first vote, here are some common ways you can still vote!
    1. Using your PC and home-wifi network.
    2. Using your mobile phone and mobile data network.
    3. Using the same phone, turn Airplane Mode On and Off and vote! (Try using incognito/private mode or different browsers if this doesn't work.)

    Troubleshooting Voting Issues

    General Tips:
    • Make sure you typed in your Account ID (the one you use to login) and NOT your in-game character name.
    • After voting, do not close the window until you see the message, "Thank you for voting!" which means your vote has been successfully processed.
    • Try not to vote on a public network (schools, libraries, offices, malls, free public wifi, etc.) as someone else may have used it to vote already.
    • General fix when getting errors while voting:
    1. Refresh the page and try again.
    2. Disable VPN and Adblocker programs if applicable and try again.
    3. Restart your network router or mobile network (by turning Airplane Mode On/Off) and try again.
    4. If still not fixed, try Incognito/Private mode on your browser or a different browser and try again.
    Some Common Problems:

    1. Refresh the voting page and try again.
    2. Make sure you are not voting on a public network (public wifi).
    3. Make sure no one else has voted on Gtop100 on the same network as you. Voting for other servers will prevent you from voting again as well.
    4. Restart your wifi router or your mobile network (by turning Airplane mode On/Off) and try to vote again.
    5. Open Incognito/Private mode on your browser or a different browser and try again.
    1. Refresh the page and try again.
    2. Disable Adblockers if applicable and try again.
    3. Open Incognito/Private mode on your browser or a different browser and try again.
    4. Try voting using a different device/network.
    1. Make sure you typed in your Account ID correctly and NOT your in-game character name when voting.
    2. Wait a few minutes and change channels or relog in-game to receive your NX reward.
    3. You should receive a notification that you have been credited with the rewards; if not, check your Cash Shop if you've received them.
    4. Try voting on a different network/device or incognito mode on your browser again.
    1. Refresh the page and try again.
    2. Turn off VPNs and adblockers if applicable and try again.
    3. Try voting on a different device/network or incognito mode on your browser again.

    Remember to shower, @susan, and vote daily!

    Happy Mapling! wekwek~
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  3. LuffySenpai

    LuffySenpai True Loyalty

    Jul 9, 2020
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    Thanks for writing this up! Sappork sappork UWU
