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Client automatically resizes and freezes upon relog

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Audrey, Apr 22, 2020.

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  1. Audrey

    Audrey Official Mapler

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Client automatically resizes and freezes

    I'm on Windows 10 with NVIDIA graphic card and although things have been better with the raid client, this issue often happens after I relog for the first time.
    Upon the relog, a few seconds after my character loads on the map, my screen minimizes and takes a few seconds to load into window mode. I didn't set it to window mode, it just automatically does it upon relog. When I try to alt + enter to enter full screen, it goes black screen for a few seconds, then shows the game in fullscreen, but it's frozen for a good 20-30 seconds before it becomes normal again.

    Sometimes, alt + f4 during raids also take quite some time to actually quit the game so relogging takes forever if that happens :<

    Please tell me there's a solution to this :(
    7GTronic likes this.
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