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Stuck on Eliminating King Sage Cat Quest

Discussão em 'Technical Issues' iniciado por kikilalalurt, Agosto 9, 2021.

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  1. kikilalalurt

    kikilalalurt Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

    Junho 24, 2021
    Aprovações Recebidas:

    Current my char (ign: kikilalalurt) is stuck at the quest "Eliminating King Sage Cat" where I have talked to Master Goblin and unable to retrieve the "The Antidote" item, the quest shows completed on screen but I am unable to complete it.

    On the other hand, I am able to obtain the quest item "The Antidotes" by killing king sage cat but Do Gong NPC is unable to complete the quest as well. Please help and thx in advance! @alex@alex
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