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Account Locked. Internet Issue?

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Nihil, Jun 11, 2021.

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  1. Nihil

    Nihil Training Mapler

    Jun 11, 2021
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    I recently re-dowloaded the game after a few months of not playing and was experiencing frequent disconnects/lag/crashes. I managed to bring some friends back in who don't seem to be having the same issues so I think it may be an issue on my end. I came to find the nvidia client that is supposed to make things run smoother and it seems to have helped but I still have to use task manager to kill the client sometimes. I'm not sure if this is linked to the account locking but it's my only guess that the login activity seemed suspicious. Thanks for taking the time to read. I hope we can get it figured out.
    IGN: Flumphry, Squint

    Edit 6/16: put the wrong IGN lol oops
    Also my account got unlocked, so that's all dealt with. I can deal with waiting here and there for the game to catch up when I change channels and the sort but I'm still curious if anyone has advice.

    Edit 6/16 later in the day: Account is locked again. It happened following a disconnect and on my attempt to log back in I was told the account was either already logged in or under suspicion. Attempted again, was greeted with the same problem as before. Is there a way to avoid this in the future? Is there a remote logout I can use just to be sure before attempting to log back in? I remember doing that on some private servers back in the day.
    #1 Nihil, Jun 11, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
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  3. Hauntr

    Hauntr King Slime Vanquisher

    Jan 7, 2018
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    A little confused here.. Are you suffering from a locked account or frequent disconnections? A locked account would mean you are unable to login in the first place.
  4. Nihil

    Nihil Training Mapler

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Both. I can log in to my account just fine but when I try to perform certain actions such as dropping an item or accessing storage I receive a dialog box telling me my account has been locked. https://i.gyazo.com/594f0d38fae79228e5c3b788cb200879.png I already typed @unlock and the text chat gives me this response. https://i.gyazo.com/db22e954ecb0072ec2abe3b1988c5e56.png It's been a few days since I initially did that.
    I'm almost never actually disconnected while playing but I frequently have long periods of waiting when switching channels or entering the cash shop and at other seemingly random intervals.
  5. Nihil

    Nihil Training Mapler

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Alrighty I have pieced together a few things so I know what went wrong and how to prevent it in the future. I routinely log out and log back in when I start lagging because it takes less time than waiting for the server to respond in most cases. On occasion when attempting to log back in, I am given a text box saying that my account is either already logged in or is under suspicion. If I see this message and immediately try to log back in without closing the client, my account will be locked up the next login. If I close the client after receiving the message and log back in following a reopen of the client, my account will not be locked. I'm unsure if it's simply the wait time that makes it work or if it's the closing/reopening of the client but I now know how to navigate around this issue a little better and I thought I'd share what I learned.
  6. Nihil

    Nihil Training Mapler

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Alright another update to everything that made me feel kinda stupid but I felt like it was worth sharing. I was previously using the 5G version of my wifi and I got good upload/download but I think the distance from my router made for horrible packet loss which caused the issue. I changed to the wifi more useful at a distance from the router and have had no issues since.
    alex likes this.
  7. Hauntr

    Hauntr King Slime Vanquisher

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I've been experiencing similar issues trying to connect to my 5G wifi, actually. The game can hardly stay connected longer than a few minutes and lags pretty hard while it's up.
