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Getting Started

Discussion in 'Guides' started by alex, May 12, 2016.

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  1. alex

    alex Some guy
    Staff Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    Welcome to MapleSaga!

    We hope you enjoy your stay here! To help you transition into our community as seamlessly as possible, I've decided to draft up a quick guide on how to:
    • Finish Maple Island in under 10 minutes
    • Earn a Free VIP Hair Coupon and select between 1000+ haircut styles

    You don't need to roll the dice when you join. Just pick a name, and press OK.


    Note that the character's stats are 4 / 4 / 4 / 4. You'll have 9 AP as well.

    At MapleSaga, we don't believe in delaying gameplay!
    You're welcome to talk to the NPCs to get some sweet items, like the Relaxer Chair, but it's optional.


    Once you're outside, be sure to do quests and kill monsters to level up!
    Feel free to add STR, your AP will be reset later when you job advance.

    Don't forget to head to Southperry to leave Maple Island.
    Make sure you're Level 8 or you won't be allowed onboard the ship.

    Click on Power B. Fore to pick your first job.



    Click on the Green Market button in the bottom-right corner to go to the Free Market.
    Talk to Amos and select the "Show me the way" option.


    You'll get a free VIP Hair Coupon!


    Go to Kerning City and enter the Hair Salon.
    You'll have the option to pick between over a thousand hairstyles!



    And when you're all done, check these out:
    #1 alex, May 12, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
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