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<DANGER-3-Z Mushroom>

Discussão em 'Technical Issues' iniciado por mirohalia, Março 11, 2017.

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  1. mirohalia

    mirohalia Training Mapler

    Fevereiro 26, 2017
    Aprovações Recebidas:
    I finished the second part of this quest on my character Sophalia, along with the DANGER 2-H mushroom quest. It requires you to kill 999 zombie mushrooms, and the other requires you to kill 999 horn mushrooms. The first parts require me to kill 99 each. However the reward for killing 999 was 3000 exp and some blue potions, whereas the reward for killing 99 was 5500 exp and better potions. These quests are on the finished quest list, is the reward supposed to be bad, or is it not fully updated?

    Thank you for any help!~

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