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The Champion Challenge & Maple Warrior 30

Discussion in 'Guides' started by alex, Jul 10, 2016.

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  1. alex

    alex Some guy
    Staff Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    * At Level 160, all players will be knighted, earning a class-specific Royalty Chair, shown below in the order of Warriors, Magicians, Bowmen, Rogues and Pirates:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The Gallery of Champions can be accessed through Amos the Strong in the Free Market. It displays all players that manage to reach Level 200 on MapleSaga, earning the title of champion. Champions earn a spot on our website's Champion rankings, and a detailed description of that player's journey on both the forums and in-game with the following information:

    • Number of quests completed before Level 200
    • Number of bosses killed before Level 200
    • Number of scrolls failed before Level 200
    • Number of equipment destroyed by scrolls before Level 200
    • Number of deaths before Level 200 and the most common place of death
    • Where the player leveled every 10 levels, starting at level 30 (30, 40, 50 ... 200)
    • Total playtime (how long in days, hours, minutes) it took to hit Level 200

    Among other details, the Gallery of Champions will also have special pedestals for the following groups of players:

    3 pedestals for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd players to get to Level 200.

    5 pedestals for the 1st players of every class to get to Level 200.

    Additionally, the job-specific rank rooms update with 3 pedestals to showcase the first players of every class that get to Level 200.

    Champion Achievements
    Hitting Level 200 on a typical v62 server can be quite underwhelming. You've grinded your way to the finish line... now what?

    On MapleSaga, we're pleased to announce the Champion Challenge, for the real completionists. Because of the extensive custom content that MapleSaga has, we're blessed to have further achievements past just leveling 199 times. The progress towards 100% completion for the Champion Challenge will be displayed on the website.

    The 6 achievements that make up this challenge are as follows:

    • Unlock all of your 4th job skills to their max master levels
      • You do not need to actually add SP into the skills, you only need to unlock them using skill books.
    • Unlock at least 200 medals
    • Own a fully-upgraded Mount
    • Own fully-upgraded Trailblazer and Berzerker Rings
    • Own fully-upgraded Crimsonwood Keep Boss Rush and Dimension gear
    • Own all Raid Boss gear from Zakum, The Boss, Horntail and Chaos Zakum
    Additionally, completing the Champion Challenge will earn you the coveted Draco Mount.


    Maple Warrior 30
    Upon completing the Champion Challenge and 600 available quests in-game, you may talk to your player NPC in the Gallery of Champions to upgrade your Maple Warrior skill to a master level of 30.

    Instead of introducing the Maple Warrior 30 skillbook into MapleSaga, we decided to opt for an "achievement approach", enforcing the idea that the criteria for such a skill should be based on individual merit alone (and not something that can be purchased in the Free Market).
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